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i always know the truth


you step into this blog you already know a lot of secrets hidden from us by certain parties here too, you will be able to know the secrets of nature and come to realize that each step is done by you do not accidentally but deliberately controlled by certain parties.

Monday, October 18, 2010

The secret history of the World Part 1 (STONE AGE IS A LIE HISTORY)

The existence of non-tailed monkey-faced man with a brain volume two times larger than the human face, no tail monkey others, and they make tools for first time about 2 million years ago. They are divided into four different appearance after 1 million years later and one of them then left the African continent. They can then speak the language of about 400,000 years ago and at that time they have spread in Africa, Europe and Asia.

Finally, a large group of Asian men migrate from Asia to America, while Asia and America to connect on the north. Then they lived in the north and south American continent, which is perhaps best known as the Indian Nations - Native Americans who named one of Columbus, because Columbus thought he had arrived in India, so he called them Indians or the Indians.



Did you know that 700,000 years ago, people surf the ocean with a great ship built?

Or have you heard the man dubbed "primitive cave people 'have artistic skills and understanding as belonging to the modern artist?

Did you know that the Neanderthals lived since 80.000 years ago and described by evolutionists as 'ape-man', is also capable of making musical instruments, gain comfort from the clothes and accessories, and walking on hot sand lined slippers?

In all likelihood you probably have not heard the facts. Instead, you have given one interpretation of that man is half human and half ape, not able to stand straight, lack the skills to communicate and only dengusan strange noises. This is because in more than 150 years, people like you have been bombarded by all these scams.

The goal is to continue the struggle for a materialist philosophy that denies the existence of God. According to this perverted perspective, the universe and matter are eternal. In other words, it has no beginning, and no creator. So-called scientific basis for this superstition is the theory of evolution.

Because they claim that the universe has no Creator, evolutionists have to give an explanation of how life and a number of different species exist on earth. For this purpose, they use the theory of evolution. According to this theory, all the events and life in the universe happened by chance. Some inanimate objects in ancient times accidentally merged to form the first living cell. Then realized as a result of inadvertence organisms for millions of years. And finally there is the final stage of human evolution chain.

The early history of mankind - which is considered the result of accidental changes over millions of years, and each one more impossible than the last change, has been diverted to support the scenario is inverted. Evolutionists, of course the absence of strong evidence, claiming that the origin of human history is as follows: Beginning as other life forms, going from primordial to the human organism is believed to be the most advanced development than others. Thus, the history of man supposedly evolved from a primitive community to the modern urban society.

In fact, this assumption did not have any proof. It also describes the history of mankind as claimed by the materialist philosophy and the theory of evolution.
The scientists evolutionists - in their efforts to support the process of evolution is considered starting from single cells to multicellular organisms, and then from apes to humans - not only has' write 'the origin of humans, but also' invented 'the era of fantasy like' Days Stone People 'and' Stone Age 'to describe a way of life' The Primitives'. Evolutionists, who believe in the falsehood that humans and apes came from the same ancestor, has started a new research effort in order to prove his claim. To that end, they examine every stone, or arrowhead or bowl that was found during an archaeological dig. However, the description of 'ape man' sitting in a dark cave while dressed in fur and unable to speak properly, everything is fiction. Primitive people did not exist, as well as the Stone Age. These are all lies of evolutionists with the help of some media.

The claim of evolutionists have been completely demolished by the latest developments in science - especially in biology, paleontology, microbiology, and genetics. The notion that each species changed to 'latest version', it has been proved wrong.

Human beings do not grow from the ape. Humans are indeed human beings since their presence again, and civilization has advanced to this day. Thus, the 'evolutionary history' has never happened.

This book reveals scientific evidence that 'the evolutionary history of man' is merely a lie, and we will show how the fact of creation has been supported by recent scientific discoveries. Human existence in this world not through evolution, but with a perfect creation of Allah the Almighty and All-Knowing.

(I will reveal more about this in the next post just wait and see the truth will be revealed by Strangeman95 one by one!)

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